
A strategic next step for Doxa Church.


Through the Forward campaign, we are seeking to faithfully follow God as he drives us forward— for our church family, for our city, and for our Doxa dream— through the renovation of our building and continued disciple making.


The story of Doxa began in 2016, when Rob and Lisa felt the call to plant a church in Madison, dreaming of reaching both the city and the campus with the gospel. At that point, all they had was a dream and a prayer that God would lead them forward. They joined the Salt Network and began to see God provide in so many different ways.

He provided a church planting team made up of staff, community members, and recent college graduates, and in the fall of 2018, Doxa officially began meeting at the Sheraton Hotel.

Our college ministry and Sunday gatherings quickly grew, and in 2019, God provided a pathway for us to purchase a permanent home in Madison. In the years since, we’ve seen God use this space to accelerate ministry through disciple making, bless our neighborhood, and send out new church plants to Ann Arbor, Japan and coming in 2025, to Milwaukee. Through it all, God has been our sole provider, and we've sought only to stay in the passenger seat as he drives us forward.

We believe God is moving us forward once again.

In the past year, we’ve exceeded our Doxa kids and auditorium capacity, prompting us to add a third Sunday service, and while we thank God for this growth, we recognize how difficult this makes upholding the value of family. Furthermore, as our next generation ministries have grown, we’ve lacked sufficient space for our kids, youth, and college students to gather. And lastly, as it exists today, our building has no dedicated space for equipping the individuals of our church, whom God has gathered.

But through all this, God has once again provided for us, and we’ve been given an affordable path forward for renovating our building, with the ultimate aim of supporting our Doxa family and living out our Doxa Dream.


VISION Meeting

Experience the full vision night here


Building Update → $4m

Renovating our building is the best way for us to steward the resources, space, and people that God has given us. These renovations will cost us $4M over the next two years.

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Disciple Making → $3m

Our primary goal is to be a “mother church” which is all about making disciples of Jesus. To maintain our ongoing ministry budget over the next two years will cost $3M. We want to continue to work towards:

  • Becoming a gospel greenhouse

  • Activating the body

  • Reaching the next generation

  • Planting churches


Join Us.

God is moving us forward, we simply want to follow him in obedience, and invite you to take part with us.

We need your help to reach our goal of $7,000,000 over the next two years.